Wednesday, February 12, 2025
La Crosse uses AARP grant to inspire housing solutions
The city of La Crosse is hoping a new online design library of Accessory Dwelling Units will help inspire residents to build one. The units have …
WY AARP hosts tele-townhall on expected caregivers tax credit
Advocates for family caregivers are expecting federal lawmakers to propose a tax credit for the group, after President Donald Trump said on the …
Advocates: NY lawmakers must do more for disability-rights issues
New York disability rights advocates want state lawmakers to focus on issues such as housing and health care. In the budget, they want more funding …
Push for caregiver tax relief gains momentum in Ohio, nationally
During his campaign, President Donald Trump promised tax credits for family caregivers. With Trump now in office, advocates in Ohio and across the …
Dismantling DEIA initiatives may harm PA disability rights
For Pennsylvanians with disabilities, there may be unexpected side effects to ending so-called Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility …
Assisted living facility oversight major focus for MD senior advocates
A number of bills in the Maryland legislature are looking to increase the quality and accountability of the state's nursing homes and assisted living …
TX lawmakers urged to make healthy living a priority during legislative session
The Episcopal Health Foundation wants Texas lawmakers to make health a priority during this legislative session. The nonprofit focuses on the …
Nursing home staffing shortages key focus for VA senior advocates
What is the quality of Virginia's nursing homes? If you ask one advocate, he says "bad." Jared Calfee, state advocacy director for AARP Virginia…
Wisconsin voter ID law one step closer to state constitution
A proposal to make Wisconsin's strict Voter ID law a constitutional amendment passed Wisconsin's Republican-controlled Assembly on Tuesday. Voters …
Groups rally at MT Capitol to maintain Medicaid expansion
A coalition of Montana groups will rally at the Capitol Wednesday to advocate for the protection of Medicaid expansion, which legislators will debate …
ME tackles rural ‘digital divide’ with tech grants, training
A new program aims to ensure rural Mainers can take full advantage of expanding high-speed internet service. Grant applications open this week for …
A push for Oregon's 'right to repair' law to include wheelchairs
Oregon's right to repair law, which increases consumers' ability to repair their own electronics, takes effect this week. The law requires …